grossed out!
2:34 a.m. :: 2009-12-16

I have something disgusting to write about.

as my last entry stated the cat has come home, i was therefore overjoyed with her return and could not stop hugging and kissing her.

and about 2 night ago, i have confirmed that i got parasites, and i'm pretty sure i got it from the cat, about 3 days after she came home the symptoms became noticeable, which makes sense, they take about 3-4 days to develop, i did a lot of research for the past few days and i got a handful of information, today, i got the medication from a health food store, it's got all of the herbs that send those bastards to hell. wormwood, barberry, garlic, and black walnut, are great for cleansing.

anyways i'm more calm now about all this, but if you ask me how i feel about, really, it's FUCKING DISGUSTING!!!!!!! I NEVER GOT THIS BEFORE!! not even when i was growing up in a developing country like Taiwan, i take showers twice a day, and i always wash my hands. my boyfriend's pretty understanding about this, he was in medical school so he's not at all grossed out about it but i am. but i'm starting the cleansing program today so in 2, 3 weeks i should be able to rid them completely. i also need to tell my roommate so he can get the cat debugged, i dont want to be exposed to any kind of risks again.

and i'm writing here to remind myself, never EVER lick an animal's face again!!

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